Pastoral Team

Sr. Pastors Ric & Maria
An international Prophetic ministry

Pastor and Prophet Ric Perez is a longtime resident of California. He and his wife Maria, who also co-serves as Senior Pastor, have been married for 42 years.

Ric was raised a Catholic and encountered the true and living Christ many years ago, was baptized in the Name of Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit. He was ordained as Pastor by Rod Parsley and soon after ordained as Prophet. In 2018 he was ordained Apostle.

He has attended several universities in furthering his education with a degree in Criminal Justice which assisted him in bringing the Word of God into the prisons. 10,000 have heard the Word of God and received Jesus as their personal Savior while 2,000 have been immersed in the waters of Baptism. He has completed his Masters in Theology.

Pastor Maria was ordained as Prophetic Apostolic Intercessor and shortly after was ordained as Pastor. Her prophetic and intercessory giftings have assisted many in their faith and have encouraged them to seek more from their relationship with Christ. She is currently working on completing an uplifting and empowering book to assist in strengthening the body of Christ!

Pastor Ric and Pastor Maria have followed the direction of the Holy Spirit. Because of their love for God, Social Media has taken ATtheWELL to a global level with hundreds of thousands across the globe in many nations, hearing the prophetic teachings and empowering Word of the Holy Spirit.


Pastor Allam Reyes

Pastor Dominic Bauer

Evangelist Jen Bauer

Pastor Rebecca Rodriguez

Pastor Karen Diaz

Pastor Brian Raven (international)

Pastor Ika Raven (international)

Evangelist Sonia Brunotto

Evangelist Paul Brunotto

We are a Discipleship ministry

with a global presence, assisting many in their Spiritual Maturity and the development of

their Divine Gifts to fulfill their Kingdom Calling!